Peptide Therapy

What are Peptides?

The building blocks of proteins, these naturally occurring chains of amino acids provide numerous reliefs to common maladies of aging including: aiding in muscle repair, accelerated injury recovery time, promoting weight loss and lean muscle gain, increasing growth hormone production, and even helping reverse signs of sexual dysfunction.

Why Peptide Therapy?

Peptides work by going and giving specific instructions to cells and molecules, making them a more effective alternative to traditional medicine. Because they are so specific, peptides are also well tolerated with minimal side effects. Call us today to schedule a consultation to see how peptide therapy can help you!

Who Benefits From Peptide Therapy Treatment?

Since peptides can treat very specific conditions in the body, there is a very wide range of benefits. Peptides can be used to improve overall wellness in the body as well as limit the effects of aging in the body.

Some of the conditions it can improve are:

  • inflammation,
  • weight management,
  • improving your libido,
  • stimulating growth hormones,
  • helping with anxiety and depression,
  • joint and muscle repair,
  • improving mental clarity and focus,
  • insomnia,
  • even preventing skin cancer by increasing the melanin in your skin.

Patients with Lyme disease, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, and other chronic degenerative conditions may benefit from utilizing peptides in their treatment plan.

Peptide therapy encompasses different drugs with diverse effects, extending from immune modulation and tissue repair to weight loss and weight training.

What Kinds of Peptides are There?

Different types of peptides are used to improve different body functions.
Peptides improve and modulate the following:

  • Anti-Aging/Skin Care
  • Anti-Depressant/Anti-Anxiety
  • Body Healing & Anti-Inflammatories
  • Immunity Building
  • Mental Focus & Clarity
  • Muscle Building
  • Sexual Health
  • Sleep Quality
  • Weight Loss

To learn about the different types of peptide therapy and which treatment plan is right for you, schedule a consultation with our specialists today.

Detailed information on the different types of peptides that are used to improve body functions:

  • Thymosin alpha-1

    (T α 1) is a peptide, or small protein, consisting of 28 amino acids. T α 1 is produced naturally by the thymus gland. The thymus is located behind the sternum and between the lungs, and is where immune cells known as T cells mature and are released, prompted to do so by the T α 1 peptide. T cell production and action within the body is vital to adaptive immunity—the mode by which immune cells are able to recognize and eradicate foreign invaders.

  • Thymosin Beta 4

    Thymosin beta 4 (Tβ4) is the predominant form of thymosin in our bodies. It has been found in high concentrations in wound tissue and certain blood cells involved in clotting, signifying its important role in the healing process. In fact, recent studies have revealed that the first gene to be upregulated after an injury is the Tβ4 gene. As the body begins the recovery process, Tβ4 aids in the creation of new vessels in the injured area, which carry blood, nutrients, and reparative substances to the site. Tβ4 also has anti-inflammatory properties, and works to decrease the amount of inflammatory substances, called cytokines. Inflammation plays a large role in many of the symptoms associated with a large number of conditions (i.e., Lyme disease, CFS, FM, autoimmune diseases, infections, etc.), making the potential impact of Tβ4 quite extensive.

  • CJC 1295

    CJC 1295 is a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) analog. It is a molecule that stimulates the anterior pituitary to release hGH. However, unlike GHRH, which has a half-life of only minutes after IV administration, CJC 1295 is able to remain active in the body for extended periods due to its ability to bind to a protein in the blood known as albumin and avoid degradation by various enzymes. CJC 1295 increases an important growth factor, IGF-1, in addition to hGH, leading to fat loss, lean muscle growth, and enhanced sleep.

  • Ipamorelin

    Ipamorelin stands out among other GHSs due to its enhanced specificity. This peptide generates similar increases in growth hormone secretion, but without the appetite stimulation and increase in cortisol, acetylcholine, prolactin, and aldosterone seen with other peptides in its class. This peptide has been found to be very well-tolerated.

  • Bremelanotide PT 141

    Bremelanotide PT 141 was developed from Melanotan II, targeting its aphrodisiac effects. This peptide has been shown to have a substantial effect on libido, generating sexual arousal in both men and women within minutes of administration. It has been shown to be effective in treating erectile dysfunction, even in men who have not responded to other ED treatments, such as Viagra. This peptide is also able to cross the blood-brain barrier, bypassing the vascular system and acting at the level of the central nervous system. This property gives Bremelanotide an advantage over traditional ED drugs, which can decrease blood pressure to dangerous levels. This peptide can be administered as a nasal spray, making its use convenient and discreet.

  • BPC – 157

    BPC stands for “Body Protecting Compound”. The human body already makes its own gastric juices in very small amounts which serve to protect and heal the body. However, in a super-concentrated dosage of this that gets in the human body’s system, it produces an extremely high level of biological healing activity just about anywhere it is put. BPC accelerates the healing of many different wounds, including tendon to bone healing and damaged ligaments. It protects organs and prevents ulcers of the stomach (usually arising from the damaging effects of NSAIDs like ibuprofen on the gut lining).

  • AOD 9604 (Anti Obesity Drug)

    This peptide is a fragment of the Human Growth Hormone molecule that is directly responsible for fat loss. It works by mimicking the way natural Growth Hormone regulates fat metabolism but without the adverse effects on blood sugar or growth that is seen with Growth Hormone. Recent findings have shown, in addition to its fat loss properties, AOD 9604 processes many other regenerative properties associated with growth hormone, in osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), bone and cartilage repair.

  • Selank and Semax

    Selank and Semax are neuroprotective peptides that help with concentration, motivation, curiosity and curiosity. They can help with anxiety and depression while providing a calming effect.

  • SARM-LGD4033

    SARMs provide the benefits of anabolic steroids (i.e., increased muscle mass/strength, fat loss, increased bone density, increased libido) without the quantity and/or severity of unwanted effects. SARMs are not toxic to the liver, separating them from most oral steroids and making them an attractive treatment option to those looking to benefit from anabolic steroid drugs.

  • GHK-Cu

    The human copper-binding peptide GHK-Cu is a small, naturally occurring tri-peptide present in human plasma that also can be released from tissues in case of an injury. GHK-Cu is a complex of the tripeptide Gly-His-Lys and a copper(II) ion that has wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities.

  • Methylcobalamin/RG3/Nasal Spray

    Rg3 is one of several triterpene saponins (ginsenosides) found in the plant genus Panax, including Panax ginseng (Asian ginseng) and Panax quinquefolius (American ginseng). Laboratory studies report that Rg3 extracted from Panax ginseng supports neuroprotection, helping to support healthy microglial activity and healthy neuronal function.

    • quells inflammation, gets neurons to bud (and refueled) and gets the mitochondria to calm down the microglia.
    • triggers mitochondrial rejuvenation -mitochondria become fully active and generate energy in the brain
    • helping with sirtuins (SIRT1’s) which are regulators of metabolism.
    • improves receptor activation. Often, when you give supplements or hormones, the results are affected by the receptors and how active they are.
  • Dihexa

    Dihexa is a nootropic (cognitive enhancer) and a small peptide that has been developed by researchers to potently improve certain cognitive functions of potential trauma-based brain disorders and neurodegenerative conditions through increased synaptogenesis.
    Dihexa has also been called a “neurogenic wonder-drug” and the peptide can be ten million times stronger than BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), one of the leading medications for new synapse formation.

  • MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

    MK-677 also known as Ibutamoren is a GH secretagogue, or GH releasing hormone, that helps in better development of the body.
    MK-677 can help improve your mood and help you retain muscles more effectively. It also improves your sleep cycle, helps in metabolism boost, and reduces fat more effectively.

  • Sermorelin

    Sermorelin combats the health issues caused by growth hormone deficiency. Sermorelin works over time to naturally and gradually increase growth hormone levels in the patient’s body. After taking Sermorelin you’ll start to see increased energy and stamina.

Benefits of Peptide Treatments

  1. Increased Production Of Human Growth Hormone
  2. Lowered Body Fat
  3. Increased Lean Muscle
  4. Enhanced Sexual Performance
  5. Protection Against UV Light
  6. Ligament & Tendon Repair

How peptides can affect your well-being?

As we age, our body’s natural production of essential amino acids decreases. These amino acids create peptides, necessary components to many functions of the body. Peptides influence how your body reacts to diet and physical exercise, your skin’s ability to tan, and your immune responses. They also produce Human Growth Hormone, which plays a vital role in your strength and energy levels.

Symptoms of Peptide Deficiency can be as follows:

  • A higher level of body fat, especially around the waist
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Decreased sexual function and libido
  • Fatigue
  • Greater sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Less muscle and lean body mass
  • Decreased strength, stamina, and ability to exercise without taking a rest
  • Reduced bone density and greater risk of bone fractures

Peptide therapy is a way to reduce the symptoms and discomfort associated with decreased amino acid production. In addition to balancing Human Growth Hormone levels, peptide therapy also addresses a wide variety of conditions. Treatment plans can optimize your skin health, sexual health, and overall well-being.

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